
Inglês Cambridge

Inglês Cambridge

(0 Classificações)
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Níveis Iniciais
Este curso visa dotar os participantes dos conhecimentos básicos de Inglês - lexicais e gramaticais- essenciais para estabelecer conversas simples e, corresponder a pedidos de informação pessoal e/ou genérica.

Níveis intermédios
Este curso visa dotar os participantes dos conhecimentos que permitem comunicar corretamente em Inglês, dominando as regras básicas de conversação, as estruturas gramaticais e utilizando de forma adequada o vocabulário da língua inglesa.

Níveis avançados
Este curso visa dotar os participantes dos conhecimentos que permitem comunicar fluentemente em Inglês, dominando as regras de conversação, as estruturas gramaticais e utilizando da melhor forma o vocabulário da língua inglesa.


No final destes cursos, os formandos são capazes de :
Níveis Iniciais

  • Compreender a ordem típica das palavras na construção de frases em Inglês
  • Apresentar-se e cumprimentar alguém
  • Fazer e responder a perguntas de identificação de elementos pessoais
  • Descrever o local onde trabalha e o que faz;
  • Identificar números e ser capaz de expressar elementos temporais;
  • Descrever ações momentâneas e rotinas diárias;
  • Identificar e construir frases imperativas.

Níveis intermédios

  • Usar as estruturas base da língua inglesa
  • Desenvolver progressivamente a correção na pronúncia;
  • Elaborar pequenos textos e diálogos de complexidade intermédia
  • Utilizar a sintaxe e o vocabulário adequado aos diferentes contextos comunicacionais;
  • Preparar-se para ações mais avançadas de inglês e comunicação empresarial.

Níveis avançados

  • Compreender e interpretar textos em linguagem formal e/ou técnica
  • Compreender vários tipos de mensagens e elaborar respostas formais
  • Participar em conversas formais sobre assuntos de interesse pessoal e/ou profissional
  • Escrever textos coerentes e articulados
  • Redigir documentos profissionais.


Nível A1 – Starter Level
Unit 1 – Hello! – Talk about countries and flags

1A. Say your name and country
Grammar: be: I / you / we
Vocabulary: Countries
1B. Talk about people you know
Grammar: be: he / she / they
Vocabulary: Nationalities; this / these
1C. Meet and greet new people

Unit 2 – All about me – Talk about how many objects people have
2A. Talk about your home town
Grammar: be: it’s / it isn’t; Possessive adjectives
Vocabulary: Common adjectives; in / near
2B. Talk about possessions and common objects
Grammar: Plural nouns; have; an / a
Vocabulary: Common objects 1; Numbers 1
2C. Ask for and give personal information

Unit 3 – Food and drink – Talk about the food in a fridge
3A. Say what you eat and drink
Grammar: Present simple: I / you / we / they
Vocabulary: Food 1
3B. Talk about food and meals
Grammar: Adverbs of frequency
Vocabulary: Food 2; Time; What time / When
3C. Order and pay in a café

Unit 4 – My life and my family – Talk about who people are and what they do
4A. Talk about your life and ask about others’
Grammar: Present Simple: Wh- questions
Vocabulary: Common verbs; study
4B. Talk about your family
Grammar: Present Simple: he / she/ it positive
Vocabulary: Family and people; Numbers 2; How old…?
4C. Ask and talk about photos

Unit 5 – Places – Talk about an unusual hotel
5A. Describe a town
Grammar: There is / there are: positive
Vocabulary: Family and people; Numbers 2; How old…?
5B. Talk about hotels and hostels
Grammar: There is / there are: negative and questions
Vocabulary: Hotels
5C. Ask about and say where places are

Unit 6 – Work and routines – Talk about people and robots’ jobs and routines
6A. Talk about people’s jobs
Grammar: Present Simple: he / she / it negative
Vocabulary: Jobs; work / job
6B. Talk about daily routines and habits
Grammar: Present Simple: he / she / it negative
Vocabulary: Daily routine; for, form… to…, until
6C. Make and accept offers

Unit 7 – Shopping and fashion – Talk about the clothes on a market stall
7A. Talk about things you want to buy
Grammar: this, that, these, those
Vocabulary: Daily routine; for, form… to…, until
7B. Talk about clothes that people wear
Grammar: Possessive’s; Revision of adverbs
Vocabulary: Clothes; Colours; dark / light
7C. Ask about and pay for things in a shop

Unit 8 – Past event – Talk about your last new year
8A. Talk about past events
Grammar: Past simple: be
Vocabulary: Past time expressions
8B. Describe events in the past
Grammar: Past simple: positive
Vocabulary: Free time activities
8C. Make and respond to suggestions

Unit 9 – Holidays – Talk about an interesting holiday
9A. Talk about travel and holiday experience
Grammar: Past simple: negative
Vocabulary: Transport; go
9B. Talk about past holidays
Grammar: Past simple: questions
Vocabulary: The seasons; The weather; like
9C. Make and respond to suggestions

Unit 10 – Here and now – Talk about communication on the internet
10A. Talk about your home
Grammar: Present continuous simple: positive
Vocabulary: The home; in / on
10B. Ask where people are and what they’re doing
Grammar: Present continuous: negative and questions
Vocabulary: Place phrases with prepositions
10C. Ask for travel information

Unit 11 – Achievers – Talk about a climber’s experience
11A. Talk about people’s livres
Grammar: Object pronouns
Vocabulary: Life events; Years
11B. Talk about things you know how to do
Grammar: Can for ability
Vocabulary: Abilities; (very / quite) well
11C. Talk about opinions

Unit 12 – Plans – Talk about holiday plans
12A. Talk about future plans
Grammar: going to: positive and negative
Vocabulary: Months and future time expressions; Original numbers; The date
12B. Ask and answer about future plans
Grammar: going to: questions
Vocabulary: Common verbs and collocations
12C. Make and accept invitations

Nível A2 – Elementary Level
Unit 1 – People – Talk about meeting people from other countries
1A. Talk about where you’re from
Grammar: be: positive and negative
Vocabulary: Countries and nationalities
1B. Talk about people you know
Grammar: be: questions and short answers
Vocabulary: Adjectives
1C. Ask for and give information
1D. Write an online profile

Unit 2 – Work and study – Talk about what kind of work you find interesting
2A. Talk about jobs
Grammar: Present simple: positive and negative
Vocabulary: Jobs
2B. Talk about study habits
Grammar: Present simple: questions and short answers
Vocabulary: Studying; Time
2C. Ask for things and reply
2D. Complete a form

Unit 3 – Daily life - Talk about what you do every day
3A. Talk about routines
Grammar: Position of adverbs of frequency
Vocabulary: Time expressions; Common verbs
3B. Talk about technology in your life
Grammar: have got
Vocabulary: Technology
3C. Make arrangements
3D. Write an informal invitation

Unit 4 – Food – Talk about eating with your family
4A. Talk about the food you want
Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns; a / an, some, any
Vocabulary: Food
4B. Talk about the food you eat every day
Grammar: Quantifiers: much, many, a lot of
Vocabulary: Talking about food
4C. Arrive and order a meal at a restaurant
4D. Write a blog about something you know how to do

Unit 5 – Places – Talk about what a good home is
5A. Talk about towns
Grammar: there is / there are
Vocabulary: Places in a city
5B. Describe rooms and furniture in your house
Grammar: Possessive pronouns and possessive ‘s
Vocabulary: Furniture
5C. Ask for and give directions
5D. Write a description of your neighborhood

Unit 6 – Family – Talk about a family you know
6A. Talk about your family and your family history
Grammar: Past simple: be
Vocabulary: Family; Years and dates
6B. Talk about past activities and hobbies
Grammar: Past simple: positive
Vocabulary: Past simple irregular verbs
6C. Leave a voicemail message and ask for someone on the phone
6D. Write a life story

Unit 7 – Journeys – Talk about where you’d like to travel to
7A. Talk about past journeys
Grammar: Past simple: negative and questions
Vocabulary: Transport
7B. Talk about what you like and dislike about transport
Grammar: love / like / don’t mind / hate + verb + -ing
Vocabulary: Transport adjectives
7C. Say excuse me and sorry
7D. Write an email about yourself

Unit 8 – Fit and healthy – Talk about sport and exercise for other people
8A. Talk about past and present abilities; Talk about sport and exercise
Grammar: love / like / don’t mind / hate + verb + -ing
Vocabulary: Sport and exercise
8B. Talk about the body and getting fit
Grammar: have to / don’t have to
Vocabulary: Parts of the body; Appearance
8C. Talk about health and how feel
8D. Write an article

Unit 9 – Clothes and shopping – Talk about shopping in your town or city
9A. Say where you are and what you’re doing
Grammar: Present continuous
Vocabulary: Shopping; Money and prices
9B. Talk about the clothes you wear at different times
Grammar: Present simple or present continuous
Vocabulary: Clothes
9C. Shop for clothes
9D. Write a thank-you email

Unit 10 – Communication – Talk about how you use your mobile phone
10A. Compare and talk about the things you have
Grammar: Comparative adjectives
Vocabulary: IT collocations
10B. Talk about languages
Grammar: Superlative adjectives
Vocabulary: High numbers
10C. Ask for help
10D. Write a post expressing an opinion

Unit 11 – Entertainment – Talk about what you enjoyed when you were a child
11A. Ask and answer about entertainment experiences
Grammar: Present perfect
Vocabulary: Irregular past participles
11B. Talk about events you’ve been to
Grammar: Present perfect or past simple
Vocabulary: Music
11C. Ask for and express opinions about things you’ve seen
11D. Write a review

Unit 12 – Travel – Talk about photographs
12A. Talk about holiday plans
Grammar: going to
Vocabulary: Geography
12B. Give advice about travelling
Grammar: should / shouldn’t
Vocabulary: Travel collocations
12C. Use language for travel and tourism
12D. Write an email with travel advice

Nível B1 – Pre-Intermediate Level
Unit 1 – Communicating – Talk about sharing things on your phone
1A. Ask and answer personal questions
Grammar: Questions Forms
Vocabulary: Common adjectives
1B. Talk about how people communicate
Grammar: Present Simple an Present Continuous
Vocabulary: Adverbs
1C. Greet people and end conversations
1D. Write a personal email

Unit 2 – Travel and Tourism – Talk about holiday activities
2A. Talk about past holidays
Grammar: Past Simple
Vocabulary: Tourism
2B. Describe difficult journeys
Grammar: Past Continuous
Vocabulary: Travel collocations
2C. Ask for information in a public place
2D. Write a travel blog

Unit 3 – Money – Talk about shopping
3A. Talk about experiences of generosity
Grammar: Present perfect or past simple
Vocabulary: make / do / give collocations
3B. Talk about spending and saving money
Grammar: Present perfect with just, already and yet
Vocabulary: Money
3C. Talk to people in shops
3D. Write an update email

Unit 4 – Social life – Talk about weddings
4A. Talk about your plans for celebrations
Grammar: Present continuous and going to
Vocabulary: Clothes and appearance
4B. Plan a day out in a city
Grammar: will / won’t / shall
Vocabulary: Adjectives: places
4C. Make social arrangements
4D. Write and reply to invitations

Unit 5 – Work – Talk about people at work
5A. Talk about what people do at work
Grammar: must / have to / can
Vocabulary: Work
5B. Talk about your future career
Grammar: will and might for predictions
Vocabulary: Jobs
5C. Make offers and suggestions
5D. Write a job application

Unit 6 – Problems and Advice – Talk about being afraid
6A. Give advice on common problems
Grammar: should / shouldn’t; imperatives
Vocabulary: Verbs with dependent prepositions
6B. Describe extreme experiences
Grammar: Uses of to + infinitive
Vocabulary: -ed / -ing adjectives
6C. Ask for and give advice
6D. Write an email giving advice

Unit 7 – Changes – Talk about different generations
7A. Talk about life-changing events
Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives
Vocabulary: Life events with get
7B. Describe changes in lifestyle
Grammar: used to / didn’t use to
Vocabulary: Health and fitness collocations
7C. Talk to the doctor
Vocabulary: Health problems and treatments
7D. Write a blog about an achievement

Unit 8 – Culture – Talk about a painting
8A. Talk about art, music and literature
Grammar: The passive: present and past simple
Vocabulary: Art and music; Common verbs in the passive
8B. Talk about sports and activities
Grammar: Present perfect with for and since
Vocabulary: Sports and activities
8C. Apologise, make and accept excuses
8D. Write a book review

Unit 9 – Achievements – Talk about an unusual student
9A. Talk about future possibilities
Grammar: First conditional
Vocabulary: Degree subjects; Education collocations
9B. Describe actions and feelings
Grammar: Verb patterns
Vocabulary: Verbs followed by to + infinitive / verb + -ing
9C. Make telephone calls
9D. Write a personal profile

Unit 10 – Values – Talk about seeing a crime
10A. Talk about moral dilemmas
Grammar: Second conditional
Vocabulary: Multi-word verbs
10B. Describe problems with goods and services
Grammar: Quantifiers; too / not enough
Vocabulary: Noun formation
10C. Return goods and make complaints
10D. Write an apology email

Unit 11 – Values – Talk about robots
11A. Explain what technology does
Grammar: Past perfect
Vocabulary: Animals
11B. Describe discoveries
Grammar: Reported speech
Vocabulary: Personality adjectives
11C. Ask for and give directions
11D. Write a post expressing an opinion

Unit 12 – Characters – Talk about taking care of an animal
12A. Tell a story
Grammar: Past perfect
Vocabulary: Animals
12B. Talk about family relationships
Grammar: Reported speech
Vocabulary: Personality adjectives
12C. Agree and disagree in discussions
12D. Write a short story

Nível B1+ – Intermediate Level
Unit 1 – Talk – Talk about communication
1A. Talk about different forms of communication
Grammar: Subject and object questions
Vocabulary: Communication
1B. Describe experiences in the present
Grammar: Present simple and present continuous
Vocabulary: Gradable and extreme adjectives
1C. Give and respond to opinions
Vocabulary: Word groups
1D. Write a guide

Unit 2 – Modern life – Talk about the workplace
2A. Talk about experiences of work and training
Grammar: Present perfect simple and past simple
Vocabulary: Work
2B. Talk about technology
Grammar: Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous
Vocabulary: Technology
2C. Make and respond to suggestions
Vocabulary: Sentence stress
2D. Write an email giving news

Unit 3 – Relationships– Talk about relationships
3A. Talk about relationships
Grammar: Narrative tenses
Vocabulary: Relationships
3B. Talk about families
Grammar: Used to, usually
Vocabulary: Family; Multi-word verbs
3C. Tell a story
3D. Write about someone’s life

Unit 4 – Personality – Talk about people
4A. Describe people and their abilities
Grammar: Modal and phrases of ability
Vocabulary: Ability
4B. Describe feelings
Grammar: Articles
Vocabulary: -ed / -ing adjectives; Personality adjectives
4C. Make social arrangements
Vocabulary: Intonation in question tags
4D. Write and reply to invitations

Unit 5 – The natural world – Talk about endangered animals
5A. Talk about the future
Grammar: Future forms
Vocabulary: Environmental issues
5B. Talk about if and when
Grammar: Zero conditional and first conditional
Vocabulary: The natural world
5C. Give reasons, results and examples
Vocabulary: Voiced and unvoiced consonants
5D. Write a discussion essay

Unit 6 – Different cultures – Talk about different cultures
6A. Talk about advice and rules
Grammar: Modals of obligation
Vocabulary: Compound nouns; Multi-word verbs
6B. Describe food
Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives
Vocabulary: Describing food
6C. Ask for and give recommendations
6D. Write a review of a restaurant or café

Unit 7 – House and home – Talk about ideal houses
7A. Describe a building
Grammar: Modals of deduction
Vocabulary: Buildings
7B. Describe a town or city
Grammar: Quantifiers
Vocabulary: Verbs and prepositions
7C. Make offers and ask for permission
7D. Write a note with useful information

Unit 8 – Information – Talk about an interesting news story
8A. Talk about the news
Grammar: Reported speech
Vocabulary: The news
8B. Talk about what other people say
Grammar: Verb patterns
Vocabulary: Shopping; Reporting verbs
8C. Generalise and be vague
8D. Write an email summary of a news story

Unit 9 – Entertainment – Talk about street entertainers
9A. Talk about films and TV
Grammar: The passive
Vocabulary: Cinema and TV
9B. Give extra information
Grammar: Defining and no defining relative clauses
Vocabulary: Music; Word building (nouns)
9C. Recommend and respond to recommendations
9D. Write an article

Unit 10 – Opportunities – Talk about different kinds of opportunities
10A. Talk about new things you would like to do
Grammar: Second conditional
Vocabulary: Sport; Adjectives and prepositions
10B. Talk about imagined past events
Grammar: Third conditional
Vocabulary: Expressions with do, make and take
10C. Talk about possible problems and reassure someone
10D. Write an email with advice

Nível B2 – Upper-Intermediate Level
Unit 1 – Outstanding people – Discuss meeting famous people
1A. Discuss people you admire
Grammar: Review of tenses
Vocabulary: Character adjectives
1B. Discuss a challenge
Grammar: Questions
Vocabulary: Trying and succeeding
1C. Explain what to do and check understanding
1D. Write an article

Unit 2 – Survival – Discuss coping with natural disasters
2A. Discuss dangerous situations
Grammar: Narrative tenses
Vocabulary: Expressions with get
2B. Give advice on avoiding danger
Grammar: Future time clauses and conditionals
Vocabulary: Animals and the environment
2C. Give and respond to compliments
2D. Write guidelines in a leaflet

Unit 3 – Talent – Discuss what makes something a work of art
3A. Discuss ability and achievement
Grammar: Multi-word verbs
Vocabulary: Ability and achievement
3B. Discuss sports activities and issues
Grammar: Present perfect simple and continuous
Vocabulary: Words connected with sport
3C. Make careful suggestions
3D. Write a description of data

Unit 4 – Life lessons – Discuss childhood experiences
4A. Discuss events that changed your life
Grammar: used to and would
Vocabulary: Cause and result
4B. Discuss and describe rules
Grammar: Obligation and permission
Vocabulary: Talking about difficulty
4C. Describe photos
4D. Write an email to apply for work

Unit 5 – Chance – Discuss attitudes to risk
5A. Discuss possible future events
Grammar: Future probability
Vocabulary: Adjectives describing attitude
5B. Prepare for a job interview
Grammar: Future perfect and future continuous
Vocabulary: The natural world
5C. Discuss advantages and disadvantages
5D. Write an argument for and against an idea

Unit 6 – Around the globe – Discuss travelling
6A. Discuss choices
Grammar: Gerunds and infinitives
Vocabulary: Travel and tourism
6B. Discuss changes
Grammar: The passive
Vocabulary: Describing change
6C. Introduce requests and learn to say you are grateful
6D. Write a travel blog

Unit 7 – City living – Discuss the design of new buildings
7A. Discuss living in cities
Grammar: too / enough; so / such
Vocabulary: Describing life in cities
7B. Discuss changes to a home
Grammar: Causative have / get
Vocabulary: Film and TV; Houses
7C. Imagine how things could be
7D. Write an email to complain

Unit 8 – Dilemmas – Discuss attitudes to money
8A. Discuss personal finance
Grammar: First and second conditionals
Vocabulary: Money and finance
8B. Discuss moral dilemmas and crime
Grammar: Third conditional; should have + past participle
Vocabulary: Crime
8C. How to be encouraging
8D. Write a review

Unit 9 – Discoveries – Discuss the impact of new inventions
9A. Discuss new inventions
Grammar: Relative clauses
Vocabulary: Health
9B. Discuss people’s lives and achievements
Grammar: Reported speech; Reporting verbs
Vocabulary: Verbs describing thought and knowledge
9C. Express uncertainty
9D. Write an essay expressing a point of view

Unit 10 – Possibilities – Discuss goals and expectations
10A. Speculate about the past
Grammar: Past modals of deduction
Vocabulary: Adjectives with prefixes
10B. Discuss life achievements
Grammar: Wishes and regrets
Vocabulary: Verbs of effort
10C. Describe how you felt
10D. Write a narrative

Nível C1 – Advanced Level

Unit 1 – Language – Talk about animals learning language
1A. Talk about second language learning
Grammar: Adverbs and adverbial phrases
Vocabulary: Language learning; Noun forms
1B. Describe languages and how they change
Grammar: The perfect aspect
Vocabulary: Describing changes
1C. Express yourself in an inexact way
1D. Write a web forum post

Unit 2 – Going to extremes – Talk about tolerance of extreme conditions
2A. Describe extreme sensory experiences
Grammar: Comparison
Vocabulary: Multi-word verbs: Social interaction
2B. Talk about plans, intentions and arrangements
Grammar: Intentions and arrangements
Vocabulary: Verbs of movement
2C. Give advice
2D. Write a report

Unit 3 – Travel and adventure – Talk about a mishap on a road trip
3A. Emphasise positive and negative experiences
Grammar: Inversion
Vocabulary: Wealth and poverty
3B. Describe journeys and landscapes
Grammar: Future in the past; Narrative tenses
Vocabulary: Landscape features
3C. Paraphrase and summarise
3D. Write a travel review

Unit 4 – Consciousness – Talk about manipulating the senses
4A. Talk about using instinct and reason
Grammar: Noun phrases
Vocabulary: Instinct and reason
4B. Talk about memories and remembering
Grammar: have / get passives
Vocabulary: Memory
4C. Use tact in formal discussions
4D. Write a profile article

Unit 5 – Fairness – Talk about activities for prisoners
5A. Talk about crime and punishment
Grammar: Relative clauses
Vocabulary: Crime and justice
5B. Talk about job requirements and fair pay
Grammar: Willingness, obligation and necessity
Vocabulary: Employment
5C. Recall and speculate
5D. Write an opinion essay

Unit 6 – Perspectives – Talk about the impact of 3-D street art
6A. Describe photos and hobbies
Grammar: Simple and continuous verbs
Vocabulary: Adjectives: Describing images
6B. Tell a descriptive narrative
Grammar: Participle clauses
Vocabulary: Emotions
6C. Organise a presentation
6D. Write a letter of application

Unit 7 – Connections – Talk about technologies in the classroom
7A. Speculate about inventions and technology
Grammar: Speculation and deduction
Vocabulary: Compound adjectives
7B. Emphasise opinions about the digital age
Grammar: Cleft sentences
Vocabulary: Nouns with suffixes: Society and relationships
7C. Apologise and admit fault
7D. Write a proposal

Unit 8 – Body and health – Talk about physical activity in old age
8A. Describe sleeping habits and routines
Grammar: Gerunds and infinitives
Vocabulary: Sleep
8B. Talk about lifestyles and life expectancy
Grammar: Conditionals
Vocabulary: Ageing and health
8C. Negotiate
8D. Write promotional material

Unit 9 – Cities – Talk about obstacles to urban development
9A. Talk about city life and urban space
Grammar: Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns
Vocabulary: Verbs with re-
9B. Describe architecture and buildings
Grammar: Ellipsis and substitution
Vocabulary: Describing buildings
9C. Deal with conflict
9D. Write a discussion essay

Unit 10 – Occasions – Talk about an unusual wedding
10A. Give a presentation or a speech
Grammar: Regret and criticism structures
Vocabulary: Communication verbs
10B. Talk about superstitions and rituals
Grammar: Passive reporting verbs
Vocabulary: Superstitions, customs and beliefs
10C. Take turns in more formal conversations
10D. Write a film review

Público alvo

Este curso destina-se ao público em geral, com interesse nas temáticas em análise e, que necessitem de comunicar neste idioma, por motivos de caráter pessoal e/ou profissional.

Outras informações

Horário :

Flexivel (24h/24h)

Validade :

4 meses

Modalidade :

eLearning e bLearning

Carga Horária :

6 níveis / 60 horas cada

Classificação média

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